Feast of the Assumption 2022 at the Sanctuary
In this year when we are celebrating the hundredth anniversary of the declaration by Pope Pius XI of the Blessed Virgin Mary as the principal patroness of France, the celebration of the Feast of the Assumption at the shrine of Pellevoisin was an opportunity to honour our heavenly Mother in a special way.
Bishop Jean-Christophe Lagleize, Bishop Emeritus of Metz, did us the honour of presiding over our prayers (read his homily here).
The day before, a prayer vigil brought us together, with the presence of Father Yaroslav, former vicar general of the diocese of Saint Clement in Saratov (Russia), who came from 13 to 15 August to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the foundation of the prayer movement for vocations. The few Russian, Polish and French members present in Pellevoisin during these days perceived the relevance of Estelle’s example for Christians called to live their faith in a complicated and sometimes hostile world.