Divine Mercy Weekend.
As it does every year, the weekend of mercy at Pellevoisin offers a contemplation of the mystery of salvation based on the experience of the apostle Thomas, known as ‘didymus’, or ‘the twin’, with whom we can easily identify!
Brother François (the sanctuary’s hotelier), Sylvie Bernay (author of the book “Estelle Faguette”) and Valentin (in rehabilitation at St-Jean-Espérance), without any prior consultation, made the harmonics of Divine Mercy vibrate through the Bible, the story of Estelle led in her time by the Virgin Mary, and a current chaotic life path that has opened up to the light.
Valentin’s demanding ‘exodus’ illustrated magnificently that welcoming the gift of recovery requires humility and perseverance in trust. For 148 years, the sanctuary of Pellevoisin has borne witness, in word and deed, to the Saviour’s Side open to our outstretched hands.