Act of abandonment composed by Estelle

“You know my needs, you know what I need, you love me better than I do. Give me, O my God, what I do not know how to ask of you: I do not want to ask you for my healing, nor do I dare to ask you for it: I only come to you, I open my heart to you. Strike me or heal me. I adore and will always adore your will without knowing it; I resign myself, I remain silent, I sacrifice myself, I give myself and I abandon myself: from now on I have no other desire than to do your holy will in everything. Help me to suffer with patience; let the complaints that may escape my lips be a prayer from my heart and let it rise to you. Your dear Son Jesus, my Saviour, suffered for me; it is only right that I should forget myself for Him. He had the strength of a God and I have only the weakness of a creature. So teach me to pray, or rather pray yourself for me who cannot.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, I trust in you.

Our Lady of Pellevoisin, pray for the Church, for France and for the whole world.

O Mary, Mother of all Mercy, pray for us.

(Composed by Estelle Faguette in Pellevoisin in December I875)