A message for today

Statue de Notre-Dame de Pellevoisin

« Publish my glory »

This “Publish my glory” is surprising because it is attached to the Virgin Mary. We could object that the glory is first of all the glory of God! If we are to be apostles, we must be apostles of the glory of God!
Now, at Pellevoisin, the Virgin Mary says to Estelle: “Publish my glory”, that is to say:
“Be a witness of the love with which I live, with which I am illuminated”. Estelle thus receives this mission, not only to welcome into her heart all the love of the Lord that Mary presents to her, gives to her and reveals to her, but also to be a witness to it for the world of today: “Publish my glory.”

« I am all merciful »

The Virgin Mary reveals to Estelle: “I am all mercy”. Estelle is a sinner, like each one of us, and Estelle was not yet fully aware of the wound, the offence she was doing to God. At the second apparition, she suddenly becomes aware of it. She is then sorry and risks lacking hope, believing that her fault is so serious that she cannot be forgiven. It is at this moment that the Virgin Mary says to her: “I am all merciful”, and explains to her that God wants to forgive our sin to the end, and that he is not afraid of our misery, of Estelle’s fault. On the contrary, he wants to use this fault, this misery, to allow Estelle to regain confidence. This is one of the great secrets of this place: the Virgin Mary reveals to all those who pass here how far God’s mercy goes.

«Calm, Courage, Confidence » : les trois « C »

Mary comes to visit Estelle to teach her to grow in faith, hope and charity. As an educator, she teaches Estelle to love. This is what it means to be at Mary’s school. During the fifteen apparitions, the Virgin Mary’s remarks to Estelle are numerous, but Estelle accepts them as advice that will help her to be more trusting of God and of his merciful conduct. Mary educates Estelle so that she does not put any limits on her trust. Estelle is well aware of her fragility, and she is afraid because she knows her limits. Mary comforts her: “Courage and trust”, “Do not be afraid, I will help you”. This is Mary’s great pedagogy at Pellevoisin: she teaches us not to let go of her hand, and to trust her in all circumstances. She teaches us to remain in love. This is the great pedagogy of Heaven.

« I love this devotion» : the scapular of the Sacred Heart

The Virgin Mary reveals the scapular to Estelle, that is to say, she gives Estelle the opportunity to discover that the most precious thing Mary has in her life is the Heart of Jesus. Estelle looks at Mary, and what does she see? The Heart of Jesus burning with love, which is totally united to the heart of Mary and which has even taken the place of Mary’s heart. In fact, Estelle does not see the heart of Mary: she sees the Heart of Jesus. The scapular is the Heart of Jesus that clothes the heart of Mary. To be clothed with the scapular (since Mary offers us this little means, this little sign), is therefore to say to the Lord that we wish to be clothed with all the love of Christ, like Mary.
All those who come to Pellevoisin are invited to rediscover that the Heart of Jesus loves them in a burning way. To all, Mary gives them the Heart of her son.