Estelle’s prayer of thanksgiving after her healing

“O my good Mother, here I am in your hands. Look with pity on your poor servant; do not allow my infidelities to render useless the designs of your providence on my miserable person.

“May this Jesus, whom you bore in your heart and who deigned to descend even today into mine, be my one and only support, may he uproot all my evil inclinations; in a word, may he remove everything that would not be his glory and yours.

“Holy Virgin, who today shows your power so well by granting me the healing of my body, heal me above all from the sin which has so often overwhelmed my soul.

“O you, my powerful protector, you who, after God, are my consolation, and who have softened my sorrows, you who are the light of my soul by making me see my iniquities, you who are my strength, my treasure, my joy, and the hope of my life and my salvation, you have said to me: “You are my daughter. “Therefore, you cannot reject my prayers. Please answer them and have compassion on me as befits the Mother of a God who has had so much goodness and love for men.

“He is their Father, he has made you their Mother: since you have been pleased to include me among your privileged ones, obtain for me from God all the graces necessary for the salvation of my soul.

“I promise you, my good Mother, that I will do everything I can to make myself worthy of your favours. Estelle ”