The 5 places of appearance in 19th century France

carte de France des 5 lieux d apparition

1876 : Pellevoisin

In 1876, Mary appeared at Pellevoisin (Indre) to Estelle Faguette, a young woman suffering from tubercular peritonitis at the end of her life, and announced her cure, which became effective at the fifth apparition. She then presented her with the scapular of the Sacred Heart and asked her to make it known.

The story of the apparitions

1871 : Pontmain

During the night of 17 to 18 January 1871, Mary appeared to three children in the small village of Pontmain in Mayenne and, at the same time, a message was written in the sky: “But pray, my children, my Son allows himself to be touched. He will answer you in a short time”. Meanwhile, the Prussian troops who had invaded France stopped in Laval and the children of the village returned safe and sound a few days later. Mary reminds us of the importance of persevering prayer and saves France from a great danger that day.

The story of the apparitions (french)

The website of the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Pontmain

1858 : Lourdes

On 11 February 1858, Mary appeared to Bernadette on the banks of the Gave and silently invited her to pray. A few days later, she told her her name “que soy era immaculada councepciou” (I am the Immaculate Conception). Bernadette, who had just begun her catechism, repeated this sentence to the priest Peyramale, a sentence she did not understand, and thus dispelled the doubts of the priest. Mary thus confirmed what the Church had proclaimed a few years earlier, on 8 December 1854, by the dogma of the Immaculate Conception. She chose Bernadette as her messenger because she was the smallest and weakest child in the region (a bit like Estelle).

The story of the apparitions (french)

The website of the sanctuary of Lourdes

1846 : La Salette

On 19 September 1846, Mary appeared to two children, Mélanie and Maximin, on the mountain of La Salette. She wept and revealed her secrets to the children: “Sunday, the Lord’s day, is no longer respected; they swear unceasingly, not respecting the name of my Son. If my people do not convert, great misfortunes will befall them. I can no longer hold back the arm of my Son” (cf Pellevoisin).

The story of the apparitions (french)

The Website of Our Lady of La Salette

1830 : Paris Rue du Bac

On Saturday 27 November 1830, the Immaculate Virgin appeared to Saint Catherine Labouré, Daughter of Charity. She entrusted her with the mission of having a medal struck, the model of which she revealed to her. All those who wear it around their necks, with confidence, and recite with piety this prayer “O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to you”, will enjoy a special protection from the Mother of God and will receive great graces. The globe that Mary holds in her hands represents the whole world, especially France, and each person in particular …. “The rays are the symbol of the graces I grant to those who ask me” (cf. Pellevoisin: the scapular and the rain of graces that fall from Mary’s hands)

The story of the apparitions (french)

The Website of the Chapel of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal